Tokyo Police Club was a great starter for my third afternoon at Roskilde. These young Canadians delivered their hard and fast rocking beat with the casual detachment of The Strokes or (my personal favourites) The Rakes. Danish The Fashion offered …

Roskilde Festival 2008 – day 3 (in English) Læs mere »

The programme described Polarkreis 18 as a German answer to Muse and Radiohead. And they did have the crystal-clear vocals of the former and the brooding chord sequences of the latter, but at times an infectious disco beat lifted their …

Roskilde Festival 2008 – day 2 (in English) Læs mere »

Saw the Jörg Immendorf retrospective exhibit at the Neue Nationalgalerie. Brilliant stuff. The collection of works spanned his entire career: Naivist Fluxus-type stuff, socialist realism from the 70es, “wild” paintings from the 80es. And then his recent work, which impressed …

Jörg Immendorff retrospective, Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin Læs mere »

The author (right) with Dr. Robert Moog.

Humble to the point of self-effacement, and driven only by the desire to solve others’ problems as best he can. Yet, he was both a successful businessman and even a cult figure. In 2004, I interviewed the man who invented the synthesizer, Dr. Robert Moog, for the Danish online magazine Soundvenue. He died in August 2005, at the age of 71.

The Futureheads offered an explosion of pure energy. Absurd as it is to imagine a cross between Devo and The Proclaimers, delivered with the pop-punk simplicity of The Buzzcocks, The Futureheads make it work. I had a great time, but …

Roskilde Festival 2005 – day 4 (in English) Læs mere »

What would heavy metal sound like played in super-slowmotion? Something like Sunn O))): A deep, almost motionless drone – a primordial soup of distorted guitars and bass synthesizer. From the outside it sounded like the Odeon Stage had been transformed …

Roskilde Festival 2005, Day 2 (in English) Læs mere »

The day started with perfect sunny weather, which amazingly ended up lasting for the entire festival. On the station I met Hans E. Madsen, whom I know from my Århus days. It turns out he was the mastermind behind (among …

Roskilde Festival 2005, day 1 (in English) Læs mere »